Kamis, 15 Mei 2008

Cara Membayar Wartawan Online

RBI considers pay-per-page view for online journalists

Speaking on a panel at the PPA's annual conference, Jim Muttram, who founded RBI's Estates Gazette Interactive, said rewarding journalists for the number of page impressions generated by their content online had been mooted by the company.

Journalists would take a lower basic salary in return for the chance to earn a commission style bonus for online content if such a pay model was implemented, Muttram told Journalism.co.uk.

"We have done some thinking about how we might reward journalists for page impressions. It's such a controversial view I think it would take some time before that comes around but it makes good sense," he told delegates.

Fellow speaker John Barnes, managing director of digital strategy and development at Incisive Media, said senior editorial staff within the publisher's titles received bonuses for reaching set online and digital targets.

Incisive has also experimented with performance based pay for blog contributions by journalists, he added, with the fee for each post raised if 'a certain threshold of unique visitors' is reached.


I am an RBI employee and I cannot tell you how angry this nonsense makes me. From a practical point of view and a HR point of view it is completely unworkable. As the company is up for sale I would prefer the management to put their efforts into something that makes the company a better place to work, not a worse one.

2 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

Are we talking about "anarcho capitalism" or just capitalism itself?

Didit Putra mengatakan...

bisa-bisa urusan yang dibuat santun dikemas jadi 'menjual' demi mengejar jumlah klik, maksudnya menjual darah atau seks (katanya berita dengan embel-embel semacam itu yang laris di klik di portal berita online)